Tuesday, February 5, 2008

In the 60's in FEBRUARY!

He can't quite do everything I wants him to yet-- oh 10 month olds (haha!)-- but we had a good time getting to know each other again (Caleb's mom used to watch me while mommy was working). We had a blast today! This was our 60 degree ride around the neighborhood. Mommy feels like she accomplished soo much today-- gotta be the sun/warmth-- she even turned off the air (oops for forgetting to turn it back on last night-- Daddy almost lost a toe!) and opened all the windows-- I am SOOOO ready for spring! Daddy said -- "THE KIDS LOOK GREAT. B LOOKS LIKE SHE HAS ON HER SUPER-COOL FACE."

My mom says last summer I was the "carry me everywhere" kid and HATED the wagon-- well, not anymore! I was giggling with delight the whole time.

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